
Marian Devotion

Marian Devotion

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  • A Year With Mary

    A Year With Mary

    “Of Mary, there is never enough!” ~Saint Bernard of ClairvauxBooks about the Blessed Virgin abound, yet the words of St. Bernard of Clairvaux still ring true: “Of Mary, there is never enough!” She is a mystery that faithful...
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  • Champions of the Rosary: The History and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon

    Champions of the Rosary

    The Champions of the Rosary by Donald H. Calloway, MC The Rosary is a spiritual sword. It enshrines the saving mysteries of the God-Man and has the power to defeat evil, conquer sin, and bring about peace. The rosary is the sword of Our Lady! In...
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  • Hail Mary by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

    Hail Mary Book

    A beautiful and simple explanation of the basic Catholic Marian prayer and related devotions. Without a doubt this easy read will increase your love of Mary and draw you closer to her Son, Jesus Christ. Also, check out Salam Maria – the...
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  • Illustrated Book of Mary

    Illustrated Book of Mary

    An ornately illustrated compilation devotions to the many titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This book provides a short history and explanation of each devotion or apparition along with related prayers and beautiful illustrations. Also includes various...
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  • On Sale
    Ireland's Loyalty to Mary
by Father Augustine OFM, Cap. Ireland's Loyalty to Mary
by Father Augustine OFM, Cap.

    Ireland's Loyalty to Mary

    Now: $15.95
    Was: $18.95
    Ireland’s Loyalty To Mary By Fr. Augustine Hayden, O.F.M. Cap  In this timeless classic, Fr. Augustine charts the devotion of the Irish to Mary from the time of Saint Patrick. News that the Council of Ephesus in 431 had declared Our...
    Now: $15.95
    Was: $18.95
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    Now: $15.95
    Was: $18.95
  • Leading the Little Ones to Mary by Sr. Mary Lelia, SSND

    Leading Little Ones to Mary

    This reader instills a genuine devotion to Mary in the little ones. Sixteen chapters to be read every other day to allow the child to reflect on the devotion. This book is meant to be read by parents to their children. Excellent book for instilling a...
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  • Mancipia 3-Book Collection : Bread of Life, Gate of Heaven and Hail Mary by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

    Mancipia 3-Book Collection

    Have you read some of our excellent books from Mancipia Press? In an effort to spread the word and do our part in the new evangelization, you can now get the 3-book Mancipia Collection for a great price! The Collection includes: "Bread of Life" -...
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  • Manual for Marian Devotion

    Manual for Marian Devotion

    The Manual for Marian Devotion will deepen your relationship with Mary and, in doing so, draw you closer to her Son. The primary purpose of this little work is to provide Catholics with a basic framework for understanding the Church's veneration of Mary...
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  • Manual for Total Consecration to Mary

    Manual for Total Consecration

      The readings and prayers for Saint Louis de Montfort's thirty-three days of preparation for consecrating oneself to Jesus through Mary. Complete texts from Holy Scripture, The Imitation of Christ, Montfort's writings and the prayers used for...
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  • Mary the Queen. A life of the Blessed Mother for her Little Ones.

    Mary the Queen

    Did you know that the Virgin Mary died and was buried before she was Assumed into Heaven? Or that she was raised in the Temple Precinct, along with other Jewish maidens--called Almas--until she reached marriageable age? Learn more about the life of...
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  • Meditations on the Holy Rosary

    Meditations on the Holy Rosary

    Does your mind often wander when you recite the Holy Rosary? Spiritual master Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo — called “a saint” by Padre Pio — will teach you to deepen your powers of recollection as you reflect upon the sacred mysteries...
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  • Rosary Novenas of Our Lady

    Rosary Novenas of Our Lady

    The Rosary devotion was given to Saint Dominic by the Mother of God to overcome the heresies and enemies of the Faith. For centuries it has been the weapon of choice for true devotees to Our Lady.  In 1884, at an apparition of Our Lady of Pompeii...
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  • Saints Who Saw Mary by Raphael Brown

    Saints Who Saw Mary

    By Raphael Brown Numerous beautiful, true stories about canonized Saints who saw and spoke with the Blessed Mother, e.g., St. Gertrude the Great, St. Francis, St. Bridget, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, etc.--17 in...
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  • Salam Maria, Hail Mary by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

    Salam Maria / Hail Mary Book

    The same book as our "Hail Mary Book" but with a different cover for evangelizing purposes. This book is a beautiful and simple explanation of the basic Catholic Marian prayer and related devotions. Without a doubt this easy read will increase your love...
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  • See How She Loves Us: 50 Approved Apparitions of Our Lady

    See How She Loves Us

    "Mary has made herself all to all, and opens her merciful heart to all, that all may receive of her fullness; the sick, health; those in affliction, comfort; the sinner, pardon; and God, glory." ~St. Bernard (1090 1153) See How She Loves Us: 50...
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  • The Sermons of Saint Francis de Sales on Our Lady

    Sermons of Saint Francis de Sales: On Our Lady

    Thirteen beautiful sermons about Our Blessed Mother by this master of mystical theology and Doctor of the Church, published in English for the first time. Shows how Our Lady's life was rich in virtue especially humility, obedience and charity. St...
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