
Books & Reading

Books & Reading

It is important to feed your mind, heart and soul with good reading! Start your own Catholic library with our excellent selection of books for all ages!

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  • Stories of the Blessed Sacrament Stories of the Blessed Sacrament sample page

    Stories of the Blessed Sacrament

    This unique book tells twelve inspiring true stories that help children get to know Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, and encourage them to remain close to him in the Eucharist all their lives. From the multiplication of the loaves by Jesus...
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  • The Afterlife: Purgatory and Heaven Explained by Ruotolo

    The Afterlife: Purgatory and Heaven Explained

    From the man whom Padre Pio called a Saint. Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo's Surrender Prayer brought understanding and peace to countless souls amid the turbulence of the last century. Now, in our age of incomparable uncertainty, this miracle-worker and...
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  • The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest

    The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest

    Truth is stranger than fiction. And nowhere in literature is it so apparent as in this classic work, the Autobiography of a Hunted Priest. This autobiography of a Jesuit priest in Elizabethan England is a most remarkable document and John Gerard, its...
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  • The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict: A Mystical Sign of Divine Power The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict: A Mystical Sign of Divine Power

    The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict: A Mystical Sign of Divine Power

    The spiritual wisdom of Saint Benedict has endured for centuries and quite literally shaped Western culture from its inception. Tenets of the order, like its motto and Saint Benedict’s Rule, are just as influential for lay people as they are for...
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  • The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Anne Catherine Emmerich

    The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ,  by Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich  This most edifying account of Our Lord’s Passion reveals many surprising  and heartrending elements of His sufferings and death.  Our...
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  • The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life by Fr. Arminjon

    The End of the Present World

    Thérèse of Lisieux was so taken by this book that it spurred her entry into the convent. "Reading this book was one of the greatest graces of my life," she says in her autobiography. "The impression I received from it is too sweet to...
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  • The Hidden Treasure Holy Mass

    The Hidden Treasure Holy Mass

    Many books have rightly been written on the Holy Mass, the application to a particular time and place of the Eternal Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross of Calvary. None, however, conveys the power and all-consuming majesty of the Divine Liturgy of the...
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  • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by Fr. Michael Mueller, CSSR The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by Fr. Michael Mueller, CSSR

    The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

    The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: The Mystery of Christ's Love by Father Michael Mueller, CSSR Few Catholics have anywhere near an adequate appreciation for the glory and splendors of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass—the central aspect of our...
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  • The King of the Golden City, by Mother Mary Loyola The King of the Golden City, by Mother Mary Loyola

    The King of the Golden City

    Today's Catholics have fallen in love with Mother Mary Loyola's classic, "King of the Golden City," and for good reason: this delightful allegory about the King of Kings and his beloved Dilecta brings to life the truth and beauty of our Faith in a way...
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  • The Latin Mass Explained

    The Latin Mass Explained

    In this technically precise yet easy-to-read book, Msgr. George J. Moorman goes through the Latin Mass and explains its actions and words prayer by prayer. Whether you are a first-timer or a seasoned veteran in attending the Latin Mass, Msgr...
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  • Letters of Saint Therese of Lisieux, Volume 2

    The Letters of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, vol. 2

    The Letters of St. Thérèse of Lisieux and Those Who Knew Her. General Correspondence, vol. 2 This sequel to volume 1 contains all of Thérèse's letters from the end of September 1890 (during her novitiate) until her...
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  • The Life of Dominic Savio The Life of Dominic Savio

    The Life of Dominic Savio

    “Let us leave a saint to write the life of a saint.” —St. Thomas Aquinas In the annals of Christian sanctity, Dominic Savio emerges as a luminary, guiding the path of the faithful with the light of his youthful innocence and zeal. St...
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  • The Life of Saint Benedict The Life of Saint Benedict

    The Life of Saint Benedict

    This book is the story of St. Benedict as told by a Benedictine monk living today in Italy at the birthplace of Benedict.  Children and parents alike will be delighted by these stories and illustrations about the famous Saint Benedict. These...
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  • The Mysteries of Mary by Fr. Marie-Dominique Philippe

    The Mysteries of Mary

    Originally written in 1958 by Fr. Marie-Dominique Philippe, O.P. the book is an aide to growing in faith, hope and love of the Mother of God. Paperback; 375 pages. 
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  • The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Alban Goodier

    The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    The Passion and Death—of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by Father Alban Goodier, SJ  In this riveting account based on history, culture and his own deep spiritual insights, Goodier brings to life and unifies the many observations, actions, and...
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  • The Passion of Jesus and its Hidden Meaning. A scriptural commentary by Rev. James Goenings, SJ

    The Passion of Jesus and Its Hidden Meaning

    The Passion of Jesus and Its Hidden Meaning,  by Father James Groenings, SJ   Our Lord’s Passion and Death are explained with vivid detail.  Excellent meditations on the facts related in Scripture about the sufferings of...
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