
Books & Reading

Books & Reading

It is important to feed your mind, heart and soul with good reading! Start your own Catholic library with our excellent selection of books for all ages!

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  • Golden Legend of Young Saints by Henri Daniel-Rops

    Golden Legend of Young Saints

    For 2000 years now, young Christians have lived — and often died — for Christ, and with a courage that many adults find hard to muster. Although she was just thirteen, in 304 pagan authorities tortured and murdered brave Agnes of Rome for...
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  • Hail Mary by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

    Hail Mary Book

    A beautiful and simple explanation of the basic Catholic Marian prayer and related devotions. Without a doubt this easy read will increase your love of Mary and draw you closer to her Son, Jesus Christ. Also, check out Salam Maria – the...
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  • Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics

    Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics

    Countless graces flow from the use of Holy Water — but only if you use it properly. Do you know how it can protect you from danger? Or how it can deepen your prayers during Mass? In clear, convincing language, Father Theiler lays out...
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  • How to Converse with God by Saint Alphonsus Ligouri

    How to Converse with God

    In this booklet, St. Alphonsus Ligouri teaches us how to use the small events of everyday life to raise our hearts and minds to God: in praise, contrition, hope, joy, and union with God's will. In this way, we can “pray unceasingly” and...
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  • The story of Ignatius Cardinal Kung, Modern Confessor of the Faith
From the Housetops Magazine

    Ignatius Cardinal Kung

    This is the story of one Ignatius Cardinal Kung, Modern Confessor of the Faith, the first Chinese Bishop of Shanghai and one of the Church's staunchest leaders in time of persecution. Unyielding to the revolution of Mao, Cardinal Kung suffered...
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  • Kateri Tekakwitha, Mohawk Maiden by Evelyn M. Brown

    Kateri Tekakwitha: Mohawk Maiden

    This is the inspiring story of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, a holy young Indian woman who was converted to Christianity by the French missionaries led by Saint Isaac Joques during the 1600s.Kateri's mother was a very devout Christian woman who, after...
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  • Keeping the Faith : A young Catholic's guide to coping with the secular world
by Dr. Paul Lavin

    Keeping the Faith

      Keeping the Faith, "A Young Catholic's Guide for Coping with the Secular World", by Dr. Paul Lavin. This is essential reading for students of Catholic schools and home-schooling programs who are launching out into a world hostile to their Faith...
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  • Leading the Little Ones to Mary by Sr. Mary Lelia, SSND

    Leading Little Ones to Mary

    This reader instills a genuine devotion to Mary in the little ones. Sixteen chapters to be read every other day to allow the child to reflect on the devotion. This book is meant to be read by parents to their children. Excellent book for instilling a...
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  • Learning to Serve

    Learning to Serve

    This 1961 classic by Fr. Charles J. Carmody contains all the valuable information that a young man needs in order to learn how to serve the traditional Latin Mass--yet it is so much more than just "nuts and bolts." After reading this book, boys will...
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  • Lives of the Saints, an Illustrated History for Children. Hardcover.

    Lives of the Saints

    A full color, hardcover book featuring 60 of the world's most popular Catholic Saints. The book, exquisitely illustrated by Michael Adams, is conveniently arranged in the order of the Saint's feast date. Includes a presentation page in the front and a...
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  • Louis and Zélie: The Holy Parents of Saint Thérèse

    Louis and Zélie: The Holy Parents of Saint Thérèse

    Louis and Zélie Martin, the parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, were the first married couple ever canonized together by the Catholic Church. This inspiring story begins in their childhoods and follows them through their joys as...
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  • Manual for Total Consecration to Mary

    Manual for Total Consecration

      The readings and prayers for Saint Louis de Montfort's thirty-three days of preparation for consecrating oneself to Jesus through Mary. Complete texts from Holy Scripture, The Imitation of Christ, Montfort's writings and the prayers used for...
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  • Marian Children's Missal

    Marian Children's Missal

    Originally printed in 1958, this classic text has been beautifully reprinted in Latin and in English. It is ideal for children ages 4 to 8 years attending the Latin Tridentine Mass. The large print, sturdy construction and full color illustrations and...
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  • Mary Most Holy Coloring Book. Her Litany in Art and Symbol

    Mary Most Holy Coloring Book

    This book in the series of Sotnik's popular and lovely coloring books, uses the inspiring Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the text. She presents numerous, beautifully drawn classic images of Our Lady under her many titles, including Mother of Good...
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  • Mary the Queen. A life of the Blessed Mother for her Little Ones.

    Mary the Queen

    Did you know that the Virgin Mary died and was buried before she was Assumed into Heaven? Or that she was raised in the Temple Precinct, along with other Jewish maidens--called Almas--until she reached marriageable age? Learn more about the life of...
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  • Mary, the Mother of Jesus by Tomie De Paola Mary, the Mother of Jesus, full color illustrations

    Mary, the Mother of Jesus

    Tomie DePaola's splendid depiction of the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, is sure to touch the heart of every child, and adult. These beautifully written and illustrated episodes draw on the Bible, Church tradition, and pious legend to present the...
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